Canal Contemporâneo | Cursos e Seminários | Forgetting – Brumaria Works #9 - Open call
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março 6, 2018

Forgetting – Brumaria Works #9 - Open call

Prazo para a submissão em inglês / English submission deadline: April 6, 11:59pm, GMT +1
Prazo para a submissão em espanhol / Spanish submission deadline: April 20, 11:59pm, GMT +1

2, Calle Santa Isabel 28, Madrid, 28012, Espanha

The purpose of Forgetting – Brumaria Works #9 is: (1) to address the many questions that unfold around the notion, action, effects and affect of forgetting in the context we live in; (2) to produce theoretical and practical materials for a knowledge of forgetting.

As a means of spurring and strengthening our research, we are inviting all sorts of contributors to collectively think about forgetting from all possible discoursive standpoints—ie. philosophical, political, anthropological, artistic, or psychological, to name but a few. Among all contributions received and through a selection made by the editorial and curatorial body behind this project, Brumaria will edit a series of printed publications that will compile the texts that better serve the purpose of producing a reader on/for a knowledge of forgetting.

Forgetting and memory are two fundamental dynamic vehicles in the current historical process. Since the present is situated between them, we are urged to approach it (and its devenir), albeit from within the fuss of ever-more polarized discoursive biases that support the ideological management of history either by a) selective oblivion or b) the moral imperative of memory—antithetical options that have had, and still have, an all-encompassing impact in every layer of the cultural fabric, from the anthropological to the creative ones.

Many authors have reflected on the presence and coherence of forgetting (from Friedrich Nietzsche to María Zambrano, through Paul Ricoeur, Jonas Mekas, Kazuo Ishiguro, Kasper König, Jorge Luis Borges, Alain Badiou, Primo Levi, or Hannah Arendt), yet we believe there still is a vast territory to delve into, inasmuch ‘forgetting’ is not necessarily approached by merely dialectical terms—as opposed to "memory"—, but trascended into a figure much needed to walk the present with relief from the burden and chains of the past, as a powerful exercise to face the now without projecting old familiar historical hindrances toward the future.

Parcipants are invited to contribute in any of the following two written forms:
–an academic paper
–any form of poetry, prose, or artistic textual expression

The reason for such abnormal inclusion is that, while the first kind prove their legitimacy—or outsource truth—by referring to knowledge produced in the past, the second kind are exempt from acknowledging the roots that feed them in order to gain status as expressions of their own time.

For further information on the project please visit

Extension of contributions
–Papers must have a maximum extension of 8,000 words, excluding the number of words of a mandatory bibliography at the end (bibliographical system: Chicago).
–Other texts in the form of poetry, prose, or other artistic textual expressions must have a maximum extension of 8,000 following words or 20 pages of scattered text. In case the nature of a proposal requires a certain layout (ie. variable sizes or spacing), please include detailed instructions in a separate document.

Languages accepted
Contributions may be written in English or in Spanish (more than one contribution per author is allowed).

Contributions will be forwarded to
Contributions in English must be submitted by April 6 at 23:59 (GMT+1).
Contributions in Spanish must be submitted by April 20 at 23:59 (GMT+1).
No submissions will be accepted after these dates.

On May 15, 2018 participants whose texts have been selected will be noticed about their inclusion in a provisional list from which the books will be edited.

File formats
Each contribution must be sent in an email with two Word files attached:
–The contribution. The name of this file will be composed as in this example: SURNAME_FORENAME-TITLE.doc
–A brief CV (<200 words). The name of this file will be composed as in this example: SURNAME_FORENAME-BIO.doc

Forgetting – Brumaria Works #9 has been granted with funds for artistic creation by the City Council of Madrid in 2018.

Posted by Patricia Canetti at 10:01 AM