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Laura Lima - Fuga
exposição_ 04/10/2008 a 20/12/2008
Since the entry of the gallery the spectator finds framed drawings of birds hung several meters high. In the exhibition room the hall invites the public to the environment of living birds: inside the gallery, the artist offers to the birds and to the spectators sculptures, paintings with sinuous horizons and hung at uncommon heights. The cage is projected onto the street, creating a bubble made of wood and fence. From there, the birds can see the sky and the passerby, and vice-versa. Perhaps they will find out a tiny hole that allows an escape, but this only time will tell.
segmento_ pintura, instalação, escultura
A Gentil Carioca
Rua Gonçalves Ledo 11 e 17 sobrado - Centro
Rio de Janeiro / Rio de Janeiro / Brasil
55-21-2222-1651 correio@agentilcarioca.com.br www.agentilcarioca.com.br
Terça a sexta, das 14h às 18h, sob agendamento
matéria enviada por_ Ivana Monteiro
textos relacionados_ • Sobre a exposição
Canal Contemporâneo - Todos os Direitos Reservados © 2005 |