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Vício impune: o artista colecionador
Alfredo Volpi, Amilcar de Castro, Artur Barrio, Hélio Melo, Iole de Freitas, Marcel Duchamp, Mira Schendel, Paulo Pasta, Rico Blass, Sérgio Camargo, Tarsila do Amaral, Tatiana Blass, Thiago Martins de Melo, Tunga, Waltercio Caldas e Willys de Castro
Curadoria de Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro
lançamento_ 25/09/2021, saturday, 11-15h exposição_ 27/09/2021 a 30/10/2021
Galeria Millan and Galeria Raquel Arnaud are pleased to present the group show Vício impune: o artista colecionador [Harmless Vice: the Artist as Collector], that includes a selection of nine represented artists, at both gallery spaces, around how their works and art collections dialogue with each other. The research that Pérez-Barreiro has carried out in recent years around art collecting finds a field of analysis within the context of this exhibition, where the viewer is invited to understand the nuances of different relationships between artists who collect art and their collections.
segmento_ pintura, fotografia, escultura
Galeria Millan
Rua Fradique Coutinho 1360 e 1416 - Vila Madalena
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil
55-11-3031-6007 contato@galeriamillan.com.br www.galeriamillan.com.br
Terça a sexta, 10-19h; sábado, 11-18h
matéria enviada por_ Galeria Millan
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Canal Contemporâneo - Todos os Direitos Reservados © 2005 |