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Ana Elisa Egreja - Fabulações
lançamento_ 12/09/2019, thursday, 19-22h exposição_ 13/09/2019 a 26/10/2019
Fabulations, title of the exhibition, expresses the essence of what would be the main element of the artist's work - the creation of a fantastic narrative, marked by the complex composition and detailed reproduction of materials and textures. His canvases materialize scenes in which the ideas of domesticity and abandonment coexist with the architectural presence and classic genres of art history, such as the still life and the interior painting.
segmento_ pintura
Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia - MAM BA
Av. Contorno s/n Solar do Unhão
Salvador / Bahia / Brasil
55-71-3117-6139 mam@mam.ba.gov.br www.mam.ba.gov.br/
Terça a sábado, 13-18h; domingos, 13-17h
matéria enviada por_ Giuliano Baroni
textos relacionados_ • more about • text by Solange Farkas
Canal Contemporâneo - Todos os Direitos Reservados © 2005 |