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Lucia Koch - Tumulto, Turbilhão
lançamento_ 31/08/2019, saturday, 11h + 12h (performance) exposição_ 02/09/2019 a 16/11/2019
The two artworks that give the exhibition its title set the scene for the works that compose the show. Occupying the gallery’s main room, Tumulto [Tumult] is the interlacing of diagonal curtains that separate the space, generating a cluster of semi-transparent layers. This calculated lack of order is the driving force behind the exhibition. The counterpoint is provided by Turbilhão [Turmoil], a sort of anti-display-window. The exhibition room’s large glass window is entirely filled with a red trellis, and a sizeable circular cutout from the same trellis moves slowly with the help of an engine.
segmento_ vídeo, performance, intervenção, escultura
Galeria Nara Roesler
Avenida Europa 655 - Jardim Europa
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil
55-11-2039-5454 info@nararoesler.com.br www.nararoesler.com.br
Segunda a sexta, 10-19h; sábados, 11-15h
matéria enviada por_ Carollina Lauriano
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Canal Contemporâneo - Todos os Direitos Reservados © 2005 |