Nous les Arbres / Trees
Adriana Varejão, Afonso Tostes, Agnès Varda, Alex Cerveny, Angélica Klassen, Ben Rubin, Cássio Vasconcellos, Cesare Leonardi, Charles Gaines, Claudia Andujar, Claudine Nougaret, Clemente Juliuz, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Efacio Álvarez, Ehuana Yaira, Esteban Klassen, Eurides Asque Gómez, Fabrice Hyber, Fernando Allen, Franca Stagi, Francis Hallé, Fredi Casco, George Leary Love, Giuseppe Penone, Herman Álvarez, Johanna Calle, Jorge Carema, Joseca, José Cabral, Kalepi, Laura Kurgan, Luiz Zerbini, Mahmoud Khan, Marcos Ortiz, Mark Hansen, Miguel Rio Branco, Nilson Pimenta, Osvaldo Pitoe, Ógwa, Paz Encina, Raymond Depardon, Robert Gerard Pietrusko, Salim Karami, Santídio Pereira, Sebastián Mejía, Stefano Mancuso, Thijs Biersteker e Tony Oursler
Curadoria de Isabelle Gaudefroy, Hervé Chandès, Bruce Albert
lançamento_ 11/07/2019, thursday exposição_ 12/07/2019 a 10/11/2019
Bringing together a community of artists, botanists, and philosophers, the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain echoes the latest scientific research that sheds new light on trees. Organized around several large ensembles of works, the exhibition Trees gives voice to numerous figures who, through their aesthetic or scientific journey, have developed a strong, intimate link with trees, thereby revealing the beauty and biological wealth of these great protagonists of the living world, threatened today with large-scale deforestation.
segmento_ pintura, instalação, fotografia, desenho, cinema
Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain
261 Boulevard Raspail - 14eme
Paris / Île de France / França
33-1-4218-5650 info@fondationcartier.com www.fondationcartier.com
Terça a domingo, das 11h às 20h; terça, até 22h
matéria enviada por_ Casa Triângulo
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