Esta seção mostra a programação que circula no Canal. A nova agenda de Eventos, relacionada a um banco de dados, permite um acesso rápido e objetivo, e, junto com as Plataformas Associadas, os blogs Salões & Prêmios e Cursos & Seminários, cobre o circuito brasileiro e internacional de arte contemporânea brasileira. |
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Lia Chaia
lançamento_ 25/07/2017, tuesday, 20h exposição_ 26/07/2017 a 26/08/2017
In parallel with this, the Sala Antonio screening room is showing Mostra Lia Chaia [Lia Chaia Screening], with a selection of 18 videos by Chaia. Lia Chaia’s production, begun in the late 1990s, has involved constant experimentation in various series of works made in a wide range of media, maintaining a continuous dialogue between the human body and its relationships with its surroundings, especially with the city. Her experiments with her own body began when she was still a student of art, when she started using it in various performances, photographs and videos.
segmento_ vídeo, objeto, instalação, fotografia, arte sonora
Galeria Vermelho
Rua Minas Gerais 350 - Higienópolis
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil
55-11-3138-1520 info@galeriavermelho.com.br www.galeriavermelho.com.br
Terça a sexta, 10-19h; sábados, 11-17h
matéria enviada por_ Gabriel Zimbardi
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Canal Contemporâneo - Todos os Direitos Reservados © 2005 |