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Jorge Macchi - História Natural
lançamento_ 01/06/2016, wednesday, 19-22h exposição_ 02/06/2016 a 06/08/2016
The exhibition is structured around two large installations: Aqui [Here] and Projeção [Projection]. The former consists of a heavy iron cross that marks in the exhibition space the exact location of the gallery according to GPS coordinates and its direction according to the cardinal points. Projeção, the work at the center of the exhibition is a self-supporting wall, like those used in exhibitions to divide spaces. In this case, however, the wall is in an unbalanced, oblique position, held up by a series of 60 tie rods attached to a cement projector installed onto the ceiling.
segmento_ pintura, instalação
Galeria Luisa Strina
Rua Padre João Manuel 755 loja 2 - Cerqueira César
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil
55-11-3088-2471 info@galerialuisastrina.com.br www.galerialuisastrina.com.br
Segunda a sábado, das 11h às 17h
matéria enviada por_ Flávia França
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Canal Contemporâneo - Todos os Direitos Reservados © 2005 |