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Leda Catunda - e o gosto dos outros [and the Taste of Others]
lançamento_ 11/04/2015, saturday, 15-18h exposição_ 14/04/2015 a 23/05/2015
The show involves pop references with the aim of questioning concepts of beauty and exoticism as well as good and bad taste. Catunda frequently analyzes the power of pop culture to convert images and objects into signs of social status and belonging. She therefore investigates the taste of people and their relations with comfort, identification and consumption. She appropriates everyday objects (in general towels, blankets and clothes), separates them by themes or similarities, and then interferes on them, lending them new colors, volumes and textures.
segmento_ pintura, gravura, escultura, colagem
Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel
Rua James Holland 71 - Barra Funda
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil
55-11-3392-3942 55-11-98401-8081 info@fdag.com.br www.fdag.com.br
Terça a sexta, das 10h às 19h; sábados, das 10 às 18h
matéria enviada por_ Gabriel de Souza
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Canal Contemporâneo - Todos os Direitos Reservados © 2005 |