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Julio Le Parc - Uma busca contínua
Curadoria de Estrellita B. Brodsky
lançamento_ 03/10/2013, thursday, 17h30 (talk) e 19-23h (opening) exposição_ 04/10/2013 a 20/12/2013
The show traverses over 50 years of Le Parc's artistic production, including both his research on the phenomenology of structures through two-dimensional painting, as his immersive environments and large installations. His work has a destabilizing role of inducing the viewer's interaction with the environment requiring, simultaneously, that such involvement is acknowledged. The gallery invites for a talk between the artist Julio Le Parc and the curator Estrellita B. Brodsky in the same day of the opening, at 17h30 (5:30pm).
segmento_ pintura, objeto, escultura cinética, escultura
Galeria Nara Roesler
Avenida Europa 655 - Jardim Europa
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil
55-11-2039-5454 info@nararoesler.com.br www.nararoesler.com.br
Segunda a sexta, 10-19h; sábados, 11-15h
matéria enviada por_ Radar Nara Roesler
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