Os Monstros de Babaloo
Adriana Varejão, Aleta Valente, Antonio Henrique Amaral, Antonio Simas Xavier, Carlos Vergara, Cristiano Lenhardt, Diambe da Silva, Elyseu Visconti, Erika Verzutti, Helena Ignez, Ivens Machado, Jac Leirner, Leda Catunda, Lenora de Barros, Luisa Brandelli, Luiz Roque, Moisés Patrício, Mulambö, Rafael Alonso, Rafael Bqueer, Roberto Magalhães, Rodolpho Parigi, Rodrigo Hernández, Rodrigo Matheus, Rodrigo Torres, Rogério Sganzerla, Rubens Gerchman, Tadáskía, Teresinha Soares, Tiago Carneiro da Cunha, Tiago Mestre, Victor Arruda, Wanda Pimentel e Yuli Yamagata
Curadoria de Victor Gorgulho
exhibition_ 28/08/2021 til 06/11/2021
The exhibition references the 1970 film of the same name by director Elyseu Viscoti (Rio de Janeiro, 1939-2014, son of painter Eliseu Visconti), about a grotesque, dysfunctional family ruling over a tropical paradise south of Ecuador. The synopsis of Visconti's film could easily mirror the Brazilian political scene in 2021: Babaloo, the mythical island, is inhabited by creatures of all kinds: these are convulsive bodies in a continuous trance, delirious rats and zombies wandering in the incessant sunlight that never sets.
segment_ photography, painting, object, drawing, cinema
Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel
Rua James Holland 71 - Barra Funda
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brazil
55-11-3392-3942 55-11-98401-8081 info@fdag.com.br www.fdag.com.br
place hours_
Terça a sexta, das 10h às 19h; sábados, das 10 às 18h
issue sent by_ Ligia Carvalhosa