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Karin Ohlenschläger, da Medialab Madrid

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Registrado em: Quarta-Feira, 31 de Dezembro de 1969
Mensagens: 3

MensagemEnviada: Dom Mai 14, 2006 8:09 pm    Assunto: Karin Ohlenschläger, da Medialab Madrid Responder com Citação

from basic research to cultural impact


If we were to accept the theory of the North American physicist, William Day, that movement generates space and structure, we would arrive at a reasonable explanation of how medialabmadrid has evolved.

It set up its first programme at the beginning of 2002. This was designed as a small laboratory open to the production, research, teaching and diffusion of the art and science related to the new technologies of informatics and telecommunications.

At the outset, what is now one of the most dynamic transdisciplinary spaces in Madrid comprised no more than a narrow passage occupying some 50m2 and a dozen computers. medialabmadrid has since become a catalyst for ideas, projects, and people with a vocation that is both local and international. The current open, modular structure of its activities is sometimes limited to the 300m2 area of resources and production, while at others its exhibition programme occupies over 3,000m2, situated in the north wing of the Conde Duque Cultural Centre, a renovated eighteenth century barracks, which has been turned into one of the major exhibition areas belonging to the City Council of Madrid.


Crítica de arte e curadora em arte contemporânea e novas tecnologias. È co-diretora do MediaLabMadrid desde 2002.

Dirigiu o Cibervision - Ier Festival Internacional de Arte, Ciencia y Tecnología noCentro Cultural Conde Duque (2002), the Chips: circuitos emergentes de la cultura digital competition at the European Institute of Design in Madrid (2001), Cibervisión99 - Muestra Internacional de Arte, Ciencia y Nuevas Tecnologías, at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid (1999), the Festival Internacional de Infoarquitectura, Ministerio de Fomento, Madrid (1997), bem como IN ART -Festival Internacional de Arte Cibernético, Tenerife (1996) e o Vídeo Forum Internacional no Museu Espanhol de Arte Contemporanea em Madrid (1986/8

Foi curadora das exposições banquete05_comunicación en evolución, at the Conde Duque Cultural Centre (2005) e banquete03_metabolismo y comunicación, no Palau de la Virreina em Barcelona, no Center for Art and Media/ZKM in Karlsruhe e no Conde Duque Cultural Centre (2003), Media Ambiente - MAD01, Comunidade Autonoma de Madris, IFEMA (2001), Marea Negra at the Fundación Telefónica em Madrid (2000), Vértigos - artes audiovisuales on-line/off-line at the Sala Amadís (1999), Arte Virtual - Realidad Plural no the Museo Monterrey , Mexico (1997) e Todo Fluye, uma retrospectiva da infografia espanhola, no Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, MNCARS, in Madrid (1996), entre outras.
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