The digital community formed by Canal Contemporâneo involves people and entities that visit and nurture our network with their different levels of participation. This section introduces participants connected via associations, supporting entities, partnerships and sponsors, and allows access to their profiles and other related areas.
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PETROBRAS’ policy of sponsorship is in alignment with the Company’s Strategic Planning, focusing on the commitment with social responsibility and the development of the country. Through a sponsorship policy of social reach, in articulation with public policies for the sector and focused on the assertion of Brazilian identity, the company seeks to protect and value Brazilian culture, contributing for the strengthening of opportunities of creation, production, dissemination and fruition of our culture, for the expansion of people’s access to cultural goods and for the formation of new publics. It aims as well to contribute for the construction of our cultural memory, consolidating a work of recovery, restoration, organization and documentation of our culture’s material and immaterial production, prioritizing those in situation of risk and aiming to expand the possibility of access to these collections.

Within this context, Canal Contemporâneo is added to other initiatives sponsored by PETROBRAS that are turned toward the interchange of ideas and information among the main transforming agents of the Brazilian cultural universe. PETROBRAS recognizes the importance of this space, which is already a reference within the cultural milieu, and believes that the synergy generated by Canal Contemporâneo can greatly contribute for the strengthening of the already rich Brazilian culture.

In order to known more about PETROBRAS’ sponsorship policy, access


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