Projeto Os Amigos da Gravura
Suzana Queiroga - Velofluxo
Curadoria de Fernando Cocchiarale
opening_ 12/03/2009, Thursday, 12h exhibition_ 13/03/2009 til 29/06/2009
The works from the series Velofluxo, accomplished by the artist in 2008, are paintings, engravings, drawings and objects that work with the plastic possibilities of the urban network. They reflect the city as a flow of nets and grids in uninterrupted movement that are modified over time and alter the physical configurations of the major centers. The huge balloon, called Flight-Velofluxo is, according to the artist, a big painting in space. Flight-Velofluxo can be contemplated from different points of Lagoa, which extends the artist's intention to interact with people and the city itself.
segment_ engraving
Museu da Chácara do Céu
Rua Murtinho Nobre 93 - Santa Teresa
Rio de Janeiro / Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
55-21-3970-1126 comunicaçã
place hours_
Diariamente, exceto terças, 12-17h
issue sent by_ Raquel Silva