Desenhar Lugares
Claudio Cretti, Ester Grinspum, Felipe Cohen, Flávia Ribeiro, Germana Monte-Mór, Isaura Pena, Paulo Monteiro e Roberto Bethônico
opening_ 12/03/2009, thursday, 19-23h exhibition_ 13/03/2009 til 06/04/2009
Drawing since the modernism, especially in the constructivist aesthetic, works in issues regarding the space and its relation with man. The eight artists of this show have in drawing the backbone of their works. All of them initiated the construction of their poetic in the years 80 and 90 and, in this show, exhibit inquiries about the construction of places, between the plan and the space. To see this set of works is a distant experience of the world of massifications, so present today in the contemporary productions.
segment_ drawing
Galeria Marilia Razuk
Rua Jerônimo da Veiga 131b e 62 - Itaim Bibi
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brazil
place hours_
Segunda a sexta, 11h-18h; sábados, 11h-16h; mediante agendamento por telefone ou e-mail
issue sent by_ Juliana Asmir