Electric Dreams
Ana Cláudia Almeida, Cristina Canale, J. Cunha, Kauam Pereira, Lia Menna Barreto, Maya Weishof, Renato Pera, Thiago Barbalho, Victor Arruda e Virgílio Neto
Curadoria de Raphael Fonseca
exhibition_ 29/05/2021 til 14/08/2021
The exhibition includes works by ten artists of different generations and from different regions of Brazil, whose works converge in their engagement with sensorial stimulation, physicality and the human body, while also evoking the oneiric realm. Electric Dreams reflects on the importance of imagination and dreams at a time when the uncertainties of isolation seem to prohibit us from projecting a future. The title of the exhibition, Electric Dreams, is derived from two intricately related sources.
segment_ painting, object
Galeria Nara Roesler Rio
Rua Redentor 241 - Ipanema
Rio de Janeiro / Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
55-21-3591-0052 galeria@nararoesler.com.br www.nararoesler.com.br
place hours_
Segunda a sexta, 10-19h; sábado, 11-15h
issue sent by_ Paula Plee