C. L. Salvaro - Antes de afundar, flutua [Before Sinking, It Floats]
exhibition_ 24/04/2021 til 30/05/2021
The work consists of a site-specific installation occupying the entire ground floor of the artist’s residence and studio. This property, slated to be demolished, became the site of a series of ambitious experiments with architecture and nature, culminating in a work which, in light of its impermanence, reflects the political and social instability of these times of pandemic. Giselle Beiguelman, who authored the exhibition’s text, observes that, “Here, nature rebels against landscaping, submitting the architecture to the roots that sprout rhizomatically and place us before an unstable balance.”
segment_ site specific, installation
accomplishment_; Central Galeria info@centralgaleria.com www.centralgaleria.com
Ateliê C. L. Salvaro
Rua Dr. Oliveira Pinto 59 - Jardim Paulistano
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brazil
55-11-93051-7652 info@centralgaleria.com www.centralgaleria.com
place hours_
Sábado e domingo, 11h–17h, visitação apenas com agendamento
issue sent by_ Gabriel de Souza