Arjan Martins - Descompasso Atlântico
exhibition_ 22/04/2021 til 25/06/2021
The artist's second solo show at the gallery integrates Galleries Curate: RHE, which involves a group of contemporary galleries from around the world to discuss how to navigate the new challenges of today. As the first chapter of this collaboration, we bring you the exhibition that takes as its starting point a universal and unifying theme: water. Provoked by the theme, we've arrived at a selection of works that reiterate the artist's navigation through a history of symbolic, political, cultural and existential resistance and reflux of blacks of African descent transplanted by colonial slavery
segment_ urban intervention, painting
A Gentil Carioca
Rua Gonçalves Ledo 11 e 17 sobrado - Centro
Rio de Janeiro / Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
place hours_
Terça a sexta, das 14h às 18h, sob agendamento
issue sent by_ Marianna Quartieri