Na Espera: Produção no isolamento
Brígida Baltar, Cao Guimarães, Daniel Senise, Fabio Miguez, Karin Lambrecht, Laura Vinci, Lucia Koch, Marcelo Silveira, Marco Chaves, Maria Klabin, Milton Machado, Paulo Bruscky, Raul Mourão, Rodolpho Parigi, Sérgio Sister, Vik Muniz e Virginia de Medeiros
exhibition_ 09/12/2020 til 07/02/2021
In Waiting: Works Produced in Isolation brings together a selection of works produced during isolation by various artists represented by Nara Roesler—thoughts about seclusion have traditionally been in opposition, many have considered it to be an inconvenience and cause for anxiety, while others believe the condition allows for one to achieve unequaled perspective—ultimately, as poet and author Tishani Doshi wrote 'Solitude exaggerates everything—beauty, danger, terror, calm. Solitude is in effect, a search for intimacy, a search for ourselves.'
segment_ sculpture, photography, painting, monotype, drawing, collage
Galeria Nara Roesler
Avenida Europa 655 - Jardim Europa
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brazil
place hours_
Segunda a sexta, 10-19h; sábados, 11-15h
issue sent by_ Radar Nara Roesler