Beto Shwafaty - Amanhã não lembrarei de nada [Tomorrow I'll remember nothing]
opening_ 14/02/2019, thursday, 19-21h exhibition_ 15/02/2019 til 23/03/2019
The artist will present a series of new works: pieces morphologically diverse, however presenting similar gestures, characteristics and reasonings. By acting at once as allegories and as symptoms of a crisis of memory and identity, which influence conceptions of reality, they create bridges between historical events, disturbing the current national moment, in which attacks against civil, social and labor rights have been orchestrated.
segment_ sculpture, painting, object
Galeria Luisa Strina
Rua Padre João Manuel 755 loja 2 - Cerqueira César
São Paulo / São Paulo / Brazil
place hours_
Segunda a sábado, das 11h às 17h
issue sent by_ Juliana Monachesi