Cristina Canale - Things and beings
opening_ 19/01/2017, thursday, 18-20h exhibition_ 20/01/2017 til 18/02/2017
The premier exhibition of Cristina Canale in the New York venue features 12 paintings and 10 watercolors, dating from 1990 through 2016, and providing a summarized overview of the output of one of Brazil’s foremost contemporary painters. Coming up in an emblematic Brazilian painting revivalist generation in the early 1980’s, Canale remained true to her painter roots throughout her career, despite the fact that she lived in Germany from 1993 onwards, in a time when the power of other mediums, such as installation, video, and photograph dominated the art scene.
segment_ painting
Galeria Nara Roesler UES
East 69th Street 22 3r - Upper East Side
New York / New York / United States
place hours_
Segunda a sexta, 10-18h; sábado, 11-18h / Monday - Friday, 10am-6pm; Saturday, 11am-6pm
issue sent by_ Maria Beatriz Machado