Vanderlei Lopes - Monumento
Curadoria de Douglas de Freitas
opening_ 15/09/2016, thursday, 19-22h exhibition_ 16/09/2016 til 15/10/2016
The idea of loss of meaning in the presence of monuments in the contemporary world, of the failure of this sculptural construction of historical and cultural representation in the city landscape, seems to guide Vanderlei Lopes’ production in search of a possible new model. And so the artist works at constructing monuments backwards, or minimal monuments, where transience and permanence—coincidence or not, a shock also experienced in contemporary cities—clash. The great heroes are falling, and give rise to the fugacity of modern times.
segment_ sculpture
Galeria Athena - Copacabana
Av. Atlântica 4.240 lojas 210-211 - Copacabana
Rio de Janeiro / Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
place hours_
Segunda a sexta, 11-19h; sábado, 12-18h
issue sent by_ Athena Contemporânea